What is the sweet wine and beer course about?
What is the sweet wine and beer course about?
The sweet wines and beers course invites you to take a tour of the different varieties of these drinks.
As for the wines , the idea is that, before diving into the tasting itself, you start by learning about each of the regions in which they are produced .
The idea of this is to analyze how the climates, terrains and general characteristics of each place influence the aroma, appearance and taste of the wines, and that each student can delight in their stories .
As for beers , the course deals with the main attributes of each of its variants .
Special emphasis will be placed on the different styles of beer that exist and on current market trends , both on our continent and in other parts of the world.
How many classes does the course have?
The sweet wine and beer course is made up of three classes , and there will be a period of two months to complete them completely online and asynchronously .
The first of these classes, called Vinos Dulces I , addresses three different varieties. Firstly, it will focus on late harvest wines , then moving on to botrytized sweet wines and, finally, to so-called ice wines .
In the second class, called Vinos Dulces II , you will learn about what is known as fortified wines and raisined wines . Some of the varieties that you can learn about are Sherry , Marsala , Madeira and Porto .
The third class of the course will be devoted entirely to beers .
You will learn about its elaboration process , and delve into all the styles that exist of this popular drink. Special importance will also be given to the modes of consumption , from temperatures to pairings.
At the end of the three classes and after taking the corresponding exam, a certificate of completion is obtained.
How are classes given in the sweet wine and beer course?
As has already been anticipated, the platform for this course on sweet wines and beers is self -managed, and its modality is 100% online .
This is ideal for those people who have very hectic lifestyles , but still want to start entering the vast world of these drinks.
The sweet wine and beer course classes are in video format , which have their own voiceover that explains all the concepts.
In turn, the purchase of the course includes all the manuals and technical sheets necessary to accompany the classes, which can be downloaded with a few clicks.
Another of the key factors that make the Formate Sommeliers sweet wine and beer course different is that it has its own forums for questions and frequently asked questions.
If, for some reason, the student does not get to connect to the forum at the same time as his tutor, he will still be able to see the queries of his classmates and use them to clear up his own doubts.
But above all, these forums end up being a great place to network with people with the same interests as you. Contacts that can hopefully last the test of time and help you find a job .
What are you waiting for to try our sweet wine and beer course? To learn more, we invite you to contact us or visit our website .