What are the types of harmonization?

Harmonization is the art of combining foods in a harmonious way in order to obtain
unique flavors that otherwise would not be appreciated.
These combinations can be the most varied. No entanto, no mundo dos vinhos, costumam ser
grouped into three types: harmonizations by similarity, harmonizations by contrast and
harmonizations by proximity, also called regional harmonizations.
Harmonization by semelhança
The harmonizations by similarity, also known as similarity or complement, are
those who seek to combine similar flavors and aromas, with the objective of providing a
feedback between the parties and improve the characteristics of both.
For example: if what stands out in the product are its temperaments, its fine touches or any other
The ideal is that the beverage with which it is combined should have characteristics that are the most
Thus, these flavors are promoted in a harmonious and natural way.
A clear example of this are the sweet wines, which are usually the ideal harmonization for
to accompany the after-dinner meal.
Following this line, red wines are ideal to harmonize with red meats, and red wines are ideal to harmonize with red meats.
white wines combine perfectly with all types of seafood and white meats.
Harmonization by contrast
As the name itself indicates, the objective of this harmonization is in the combination of flavors.
and sensations, to experience certain flavors and aromas.
Thus, what is sought is to obtain a new balance.
This contrast can seek to complement the flavors of both foods simultaneously, or
be used to highlight the characteristics of only one of them.
We will take as an example, one more time, the doce wine, which is very common to be combined with
queijos fortes.
The sweetness and smoothness of the wine contrasts with the power of the cheese, enhancing both the flavors and the taste.
harmonious result, but invulgar.
Regional harmonization
This type of harmonization aims to combine foods belonging to the same region.
This type of harmonization, besides enhancing the flavors as all the previous ones, toencourage,
explore and promote the local gastronomy of each territory.
Many of these combinations are rooted in the culture of each place. That is why many of them
were discovered naturally and remain to this day.
Examples such as this could be pizzas with Italian wines, churrasco with Argentinean wines, or
paella with sangria made from a good Spanish wine.
Where can you learn about each of these types of harmonizations?
At Formmate Sommelier we have a great variety of online courses endorsed by the best sommeliers in the world
sommellerie schools.
With them, you will be able to choose the type of wine that best suits your tastes and interests.
explore it in depth in the hands of real professionals of the sector.
All courses can be done online and synchronously. This is ideal for those
people who have hectic lifestyles but do not want to miss the opportunity to study.
on harmonization.
If you want to dive professionally in this world, or if you are a mere lover,
enter in
contact us and find the ideal course for you.