know the vineyard

Viticulture behaves just like the cultivation of any other plant or fruit in which, among others, determining factors such as climate and microclimate will stand out. Argentina presents excellent conditions, given the diversity of altitudes that range between 450 and 2,300 m above sea level, and because the vineyards extend between 22º and 42º south latitude.
Thus, it offers itself as a generator of microclimates and different terroirs that present unique characteristics, translated into the remarkable expression and diversity of the wines.
The vine grows in a semi-arid climate without oceanic influence, with dry winter seasons, temperate or cold temperate climate; the average rainfall does not exceed 250 mm per year, and generally occurs in summer, so irrigation becomes essential.
The abundance of sun, measured in hours (heliophany), allows excellent ripening of the grapes, which easily reach their fullness of aromas, flavours, color and tannins.
The dry climate enhances the health of the wines, something that leads to easy maintenance of the vineyards with low phytosanitary treatments.
The high valleys, far from oceans, distinguish us among the few continental viticultures in the world.
It has high quality water for natural irrigation from the melting of the Andes mountain range.
Viticulture today is attentive to the evident climatic changes that are experienced and thus maintains the commitment, consideration and respect based on the conditions that each region or vineyard presents.
Argentina is another example to highlight: with its location and natural resources, it offers wines with a unique character, which have obviously managed to position themselves before the most demanding consumers and critics.